So und scho isch sWucheend wider verbi. Mir si am Sunntig wider mol as Meer. Nämlich nach Mooloolaba, dass lig chli nötlicher vo Brisbane. Mir hei frue uf muesse, damit mer der ganzi Dag hei chöne am Strand lige und nüd mache :), es isch eifach genial gsi... Do ei, zei Föteli.
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Hi Raya. Nice to here from u. How r u? Here the "Fasnacht" has started, I went for my first time to the "Morgestreich". It was pretty good, it was just bad that I had to go to work at 8 a.m. I had just one hour sleep, but Regula was coming to work with me, that was so nice of her. It's raining a lot here, so thats not so good..everything is getting wet and it's just disgusting :( What r u doin'? Hope to hear from u soon
Hei Mischi
Thanks for your comment. I wish you a nic "Fasnacht". This and the next week i have school. After I'll go to Sydney and Melbourne. In Melbourne I'm not shure if I shoult worke somewhere for 4 or 6 weeks. And then we wont go to Cairs. Wehn we'll arrive in Brisbane is my holliday already finish...:(
How did you can work with one haur sleep? I would allways fall asleep! The School is realy funny and the people are all frindly. The training (Swimming) is pretty hard but good.
So I have to go to the lesson... have a nice time.
ps. sorry wege dae schrib fehler und dae Ziite fehler...!!;)
Heya...Cool ur going to Sydney and Melbourne. How long do u stay there? I was in Sydney for a few days. I just liked the Harbour, the rest is not very nice. And hey, never ever go to the Havana Bar, it's just shit. But u can go to the Scubar in Syndey, this club is awesome! ;) Where do u stay in Sydney and Melbourne?Backpackers?Or do u know someone there? I know someone in Melbourne, is name is Heath and his eyes are just awesome, u should visit him :)
Jeah, it was pretty hard to get up with just one hour sleep and the worst was that I also drunk alkohol..tja tja tja!
Ok, say hello to Australia for me and hope to hear from u soon.
Catch ya later
In Sydney we'll stay vor 5 days, then we'll go to Bonday Beach for 4 days. In both we stay in Backpakers. My mams cousin 2th grades (oder so..) live in Melbourne so we can stay ther. In the first week we'll visit the Word Championchips in swimming. After we do the Gread Ocean road. And then, well, then is all open. Perhaps work, perhaps not...
I wish you a nic weekend and a good sleep...;)
Salü, Bonday Beach is very beautiful, I suppose u will like it there. The Backpackers r also very nice and also cheap, so u shouldn't have problems.
Cool ur visting the World Championschip, that must be very interesting for u. Can't u swimm with them? ;)
And ur visting the Great Ocean Road, that must be amazing, I haven't seen u must take some pics for me.
How long do u actually stay in Australia?
Ok, Im going in front of the TV now..I'm f***** tired ;)
Stay out of troubles
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